For Hailey

Hailey, I Love You. I know that we have had our issues and our problems with each other. But I am trying my best to be the one for you. Im trying to look past that, im trying to make it so we can be HAPPY together.

I know that we have beeen through some really tough times. I just want all of that to be behind us, that way so we can actually be together. I'm working on myself that way so we could stop fighting as much. I hate us arguing over a bunch of stupid stuff. I do know that a lot of it is my fault, but I want us to be together.

Yes, I did throw in a picture of Takis for you. I know how much you love Takis. I just hope that you know how much I love you.

I would throw in a picture of us, but it wont exactly let me. Keeps saying my link is wrong but that's whatever.

I just want you to know something. I've kept it on my mind for quite some time now, and I think it's important that I tell you right now.

I LOVE you, and no matter what happens, or who you end up with, I will always love you. As long as you're happy, I'm happy. You mean the most to me, and I really hope that i never ever lose you. Ever since the day I met you, i've had a huge crush on you. I know that I mean mugged you a lot, and I wasn't very nice to you. I'm sorry.

Honestly, I never knew that you would be the most important thing in my life. I never really saw that coming. I always liked you, and I am really glad that you are this important to me. You literally mean everything to me. I love you, so so much.

Hailey, my dear. Ever since we first got together, you have changed my life. You showed me what it's like to really be happy, and what it's like to be in love. For that, I thank you. Im quoting you here, but you loved me even when i couldn't love myself.

I love you because

Thank you Hailey. No matter what happens, I'll always love you. And whoever you end up with is the luckiest person in the world. I remember our first kiss. Then our first really good one. I love all the happy moments we have made together. I hope that we can make many many more happy moments.

I love you.

I really do.

Stay beautiful, stay amazing, stay yourself.

~~~Your hopefully future husband, James.